Hi I'm Natalie and have been fascinated with bugs, spiders and reptiles since I was a child.I used to have a fear of spiders to the point where I would run out of a room screaming at the sight of a money spider, but facing my fear I now own over 20 tarantulas and love them as my babies.I did a favour for a friend and showed some of my pets at a party once and she asked me why I hadn't set this up as a business and did it full time, it hadn't even occurred to me to do so but getting feedback like that I looked into it and haven't looked back.I have done many shows at nurseries, schools, birthday parties and fetes.I'm currently doing a course on entomology (the study of insects) to broaden my rang of knowledge.I have also brought on board two friends Simon and Rachel as part of my team as I now cannot manage it alone.I hope that the future will lead to better education and appreciation for these precious creatures.